It is common to bill shipments to another account when shipping via UPS and FedEx. Elevate can support shipping on another carrier account, but in order to guarantee accuracy the following fields must be properly populated at the time an order is created.
Field Type | Field | Sample Value |
Shipping | Third Party Billing Type | 2 |
Shipping | Third Party Billing Account | 123456789 |
Bill To | Company Name | Sample Company |
Bill To | Address 1 | PO Box 1001 |
Bill To | Address 2 | |
Bill To | City | Riverside |
Bill To | State | CA |
Bill To | Postal Code | 92518 |
Bill To | Country | US |
These fields can be populated using manual, file upload, and API entry methods and will communicate to the shipping software all relevant information for third party billing.
If these values are not populated correctly during order creation Elevate can not guarantee accurate third party billing and charges may be the Client's responsibility.
Please note that third party billing for other carriers is not currently supported.